MSyn2 is a 2OSC synthesizer designed for versatile and easy modulation.
8 voice polyphonic synthesizer.
2OSC (Saw wave and Pulse wave morphing) Noise
1Wave Shaper(added h
armonics and aliasing noise.)
1LPF(24db/oct) Cutoff frequency, Resonance, Env Depth with Filter ADR
2LFO wave is 7 shapes.(saw up, saw down, square, tri, sin, random, random2(smooth)) LFO destinatios are OSC A, OSC B, Wave A, Wave B, Filter, Shaper, Amp. You can set multiple destinations.
There is a portamento and volume control.
oscillator wave is anti-aliased
all controls are on the panel.
window is resizable.
Mac OSX(32bit/64bit Universal Binary) and Windows32bit(not XP)/64bit
tested on Mac OSX 10.13.6 and Windows10.